2023 Junior Volunteers
Frequently Asked Questions
What happened to the previous waiting list?
The Junior Volunteer program was paused for a long time while we were closed to the public during Covid-19 and construction around our campus. During this time many students previously on the waiting list have either aged out or have new schedules. Given this, along with the new structure, we have decided to start fresh.
If your child was unable to register for this session, please contact education@nhspca.org to be added to our new waiting list for upcoming sessions.
Why do you charge money to volunteer?
The fee for our Junior Volunteer program helps cover costs associated with training, staffing, and any necessary materials to make sure the experience is as positive and enriching as possible for the students and the animals.
Why is the program limited to three volunteers per day?
We want to make sure all the JVs who participate get as much hands-on experience as possible! We’ve found that larger groups leave fewer opportunities for participation among the members.
What if I am allergic to cats, small animals, hay, etc.?
JVs will not only be interacting with animals, like cats and smalls, but will also be in contact with many foods and materials. If you have allergies to pet dander, hay, etc., this may not be an appropriate volunteer opportunity for you.
What if I can't attend all of the dates for a session?
We are counting on the help of each of our Junior Volunteers for important animal care responsibilities, and we want to make sure our animals get all the love and attention they need! If you have other commitments that might interfere, please consider waiting to register until you have more availability.
What kinds of things will Junior Volunteers help with?
Our JVs will help with many aspects of animal care, like feeding animals, cleaning litter boxes and cages, washing animal bedding, and preparing daily enrichment activities. JVs will be helping with the care of cats and small animals. Per NHSPCA policy, only trained adult staff and volunteers are able to provide direct care to dogs and farm animals.
What is the paperwork that is required?
Per the NH Department of Labor, children ages 13-15 are required to have working papers completed in order to participate in volunteer activities. These papers can be signed by a parent OR an issuing officer at the student’s school.
The NH Department of Labor also requires that students ages 16 and 17 have a permission form signed by a parent or guardian before a student can volunteer.
The NHSPCA also requires students and parents to complete a Student Volunteer Agreement, which covers expectations for JVs.